Who do you support? Our work and the support we give is for people of all races, genders, sexualities, income levels, immigration statuses and ages - especially for our most marginalized communities and people who are systematically excluded from reproductive health conversations.

Who are you? Currently, we are a group of volunteers with varying identities, including queer and trans/non-binary. Some of us are students, service industry workers, farmers, caretakers, activists, people who have had experience with abortions, and more. We have all been through a beginner training for abortion support work.

What are some examples of the abortion support you do? See our support page for more information

What is reproductive justice? The term “reproductive justice” was coined in 1994 by a group of black women in Chicago as a way of talking about the reproductive rights movement as it intersected with broader social justice movements. Our work exists within the framework of RJ, not only as a means to support access to reproductive health, but also to call attention to the ways certain populations have been underserved by the mainstream reproductive rights movement. SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective defines RJ as “the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities.”

Can you help fund my abortion procedure? We don’t directly fund peoples’ abortion procedures, but we can help point you to organizations that do, and we can help you navigate clinics’ payment policies.

Why don’t you use the word “woman” in talking about the work you do? We use gender neutral language in discussing pregnant people and pregnancy outcomes. Not everyone who gets pregnant or seeks an abortion is a woman, and reproductive justice conversations must necessarily include trans and nonbinary people.

Isn’t Oregon the best state for abortion rights? Currently, Oregon has no laws restricting abortion (such as ultrasounds, mandatory waiting periods, etc), but that does not mean that abortion is accessible to everyone. Factors such as childcare, medical racism and transphobia, trauma, income, taking time off work, travel, and lack of support make abortion inaccessible to many.

Are you doulas? We attempt to use the word “support” as much as possible, as opposed to the word “doula”, which has gender, class, and racial connotations, as well as being derived from the Greek word meaning “female slave”.

Are you in Seattle? Sorry to say that we do not offer services in the Seattle Metro area. If you in need of service in this area, we can connect you to the Northwest Abortion Access Fund for support, or you can reach out yourself by calling 1-866-692-2310, or visiting their website https://nwaafund.org/.

Can I donate? Yes! Please visit our shop to donate once, or dedicate your donation to sourcing emergency contraception and/or pregnancy tests. Give us a call if you would like more information on how to donate. We also accept donations for our abortion aftercare kits, so you if you have any unopened tea, unopened chocolate, heating pads, or tea lights, or other comforting items, we would love them!